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22 September 2014

Switzerland 2014 – Day 11 / Locarno & Ascona

CHEESE COUNT: fondue 4 / raclette 1

Don’t get me wrong, I am having a great vacation, but in retrospect I regret the Ticcino part of our itinerary.

I wanted a SWISS vacation, not a vacation on the ITALIAN RIVIERA. It’s too different (by that I mean un-Swiss) and it took me completely out of my Swiss frame of mind. My husband kept forgetting he was even in Switzerland!

It makes perfect sense that the Swiss themselves would come here for a get -away, it’s a perfect vacation spot…  I just did not want to take a vacation from my vacation! I am happy that we are heading back into the land of chalets and cheese and cows and walking trails and alpine vistas tomorrow.

I think we remembered Lugano so fondly from out visit in 2006 because we had not yet been to Italy that much back then. Since then, we’ve been to Italy quite a few times and in all honestly Lugano is expensive (because it’s in Switzerland) so if I want an Italian Riviera Fix… I’ll just go to the Italian Riviera!!

So today we went to Locarno and Ascona on Lago Maggiore, beautiful but h-h-h-h-h-hot!!






We even decided to go for an ice cream, but it was so hot it melted before I got it!!


We’re all packed up again and ready to move on tomorrow: It’s Glacier Express Day and the skies will be clear! YEAH!!!  I think I will appreciate even more given my experiences over the last few days.

1 comment:

  1. Don't complain, it's so cold here. Warm for one day, then back to Nanaimo Winter. (Oh God how will I survive real winter??)
