My husband and I have been knocked out by a bug. Well actually, based on our symptoms, I think it's something we ate...
This really put a cramp (no pun intended) in our day. After drinks at the Ritz, we had to come home. We thought we'd rest for a while, just go easy and have a sandwich for super and then go see the Eiffel Tower "twinkle show".
That plan fell apart, we went out, crossed the street and my husband had to turn back. I picked up a baguette and some cheese (risky) at the grocery store, and by 8PM we are already in bed.
I HATE being this fragile!!! I hope that a good night's sleep takes care of this. Being sick on vacation SUCKS!!!
We did have a full day before disaster struck around 4PM (which makes me wonder what the culprit could have been) so it's not a complete waste- but I think the gastronomic feast we psyched ourselves up for is now out of the question.
Cross your fingers for tomorrow!!
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will pass quickly.