As my vacation went on, I had no will to work on my blog nightly.
I completed the entries after I got home.
Steps today: 31 575 / 20.29km
Great day! I love jam-packed, full days like this!
I see now I forgot to take a picture of my breakfast, but so what, I'm sure it was a croissant.
We started off with a stroll through in Montmartre today taking in all the iconic sights,
And of course, the crowning glory in Montmartre: Sacré Coeur (only in pieces, too close to get the full view in one picture! and the views of Paris)
Next stop was the Montmartre cemetery to see Dalida's tomb that I missed on my last visit because it was too hot to keep going!
I love exploring cemeteries, some people find it ghoulish but I think they are beautiful.
Among other notables, we also saw Degas and Foucault.
Drink stop time after this, also known as "Kir aux Pêches" o'clock for me! I love this drink and can't get it at home, so I made sure to get a daily dose on vacation.
Next, we headed out for lunch... but NOT at McDonald's, no matter how cute the building may be!
We had a lovely meal at a sidewalk café, so lucky with the weather.
After lunch, we walked passed the Église de Madelaine which was covered for reno, then Place de la Concorde where the obelisk was covered for reno, and finally the Assemblée Nationale, you guess it: covered for renos! Although not as ugly as the church since they put an image of the building on the tarp. Thankfully I have seen them all before, but it would have been nice to see them again this time too!
We then strolled around St Germain for a while, where I seem to be taking pictures of every single thing I saw. There is just SO MUCH DETAIL on everything! Eye Candy. I love this city!
Frank called it quits around 2:30 and headed back to the hotel. The heat, too much food and his bad blister all contributed to an overall malaise and taking the afternoon off was the best decision. Better to rest for half a day early on instead of letting it go and loosing days later because you're sick.
I, on the other hand, was still full of adrenaline with comfortable shoes, so I keep charging!
I walked through the Jardins Luxembourg:

Place de l'Estrapade for all you "Emily in Paris" fans
How cute are these guys!?
More gorgeous architecture
Then I decided it was time for a drink, so like a moth to a flame I headed straight to Les Deux Magots for a Sauternes.
Normally, I refuse to wait anywhere in line, so I was sad to see there was one at the Café. I was so looking forward to that glass of Sauternes that I decided to give it a try and I'm glad I did - it was less than 10 minutes.
Sadly, there was no Sauternes on the menu this time, so I had a Late Harvest Gewürztraminer instead which was EXCELLENT
I continued my picture taking adventures after this...
Then ended up at the Depart St Michel. It's mega-touristy, but I like it anyway. Bustling and comfortable. Easy food, great atmosphere. I did however miscalculate the direction of the clouds and so I ended up eating in the sun which I didn't enjoy as much... I am white as a ghost and it takes almost nothing for me to burn.
I only had a sandwich in case Frank would be up to going out later.
I walked back to the hotel afterwards, camera clicking away incessantly!
I saw a woman with a back-pack cat-carrier, it was so cute! I chased after her for a few blocks hoping to get a good picture... hard to do when walking fast!
Check out this store! Quite eye catching! I wonder how much business they get... or maybe I don't want to know....
Frank wasn't up for going out, but I was not ready to give up so I went to a café around the corner from the hotel for a night cap
If every day was like this, it would be a perfect vacation!
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