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14 October 2024

Austria & Germany 2024 - Day 9 / Bamberg

Steps today: 28 526 / 18.79 km

Today was a day trip to Bamberg

Our running joke for the day was to exclaim BAM! every time we saw another beautiful sight. There were lots of River Cruises in town so it was a little crowded, but it didn't impact my feeling of the city like it did in Passau. I still managed to get some clear shots, but it took some patience and creative angling.

Because it was Sunday, we could not get into the Cathedral before 1PM. You might think we're a little nuts, but today was the 5-year anniversary of our fur-baby's passing and we wanted to light a candle for him, so we went to another church instead.

Next was a trek up to the Abbey to see a plaster work on the ceiling of the Church: "Death Blowing Bubbles". A friend of mine sent me a picture over 5 years ago and that's what put Bamberg on my map in the first place.  According to Google, the Abbey was temporarily closed but we chanced it anyway...  nope! it was not to be! Ah well, now I have a reason to come back one day.

It was not a total loss, the views from up there were nice!

Next was lunch - lots to chose from if you know what you want to eat. Our original plan was to go to the famous and historic Schlenkerla, but it was overrun with tourists. I was still on the hunt for my Weisswurst but no luck again today. I did find a place that served Jägerschnitzel which I also hadn't had on this trip yet. Despite it being "only" 11:30 got one of the last tables in the place!
(Jägerschnitzel is like a Wienerschnitzel, just topped with mushroom sauce). 

After lunch we headed to "Little Venice". This is such a pet peeve of mine: stick a canal somewhere and call it Venice. Just Google "Venice of the" and you'll see what I mean.  There is ZERO similarity to Venice in anyway, and this isn't even a canal!!!  it's just houses along the river.  Still pretty, mind you.

Then, for the fourth day in a row, we hiked up the hill to the Castle / Fortress.  Again on a full stomach...  this is exactly how I felt:

Still, as always, the effort was worth it. The views on the way up were lovely.

As was the Castle

Time for refreshments after this and we spotted a nice place near the Old Town Hall.  Sadly, no Spritz on the menu for me so I tried what Google tells me is a popular drink in Germany, and in fact I had seen it on a few menus already: Weinschorle. 

It was a white wine spritzer and I was not impressed. I only had a few sips and left the rest. I already wasted my money on it, why waste the calories too!

Afterwards, we made it to the Cathedral to search for the "Bamberg Ritter" a surviving medieval statue of a horseman that is actually quite rare.  To me it was just a box to check, it didn't really impress me... it looked brand new! Perhaps that's why it's so famous?

I was more interested by this extremely worn down sculpture of what I can only imaging was a lion once upon a time.

We were looing steam again, and the weather was pleasant, so we stopped for a drink outside. Radler for me this time.

We then decided to have supper in Bamberg and just go straight back to the hotel afterwards.  We had a hard time finding something "easy" last night and didn't want to make that effort again.

Back to the hotel, and time to pack up again, another change in home bases tomorrow!

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