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13 October 2024

Austria & Germany 2024 - Day 6 / Passau

Steps today: 25 154 / 16.57km

Today was a day trip to Passau. I expected more from the city but my expectations were too high. It was very nice, but too "American Touristy" and I apologize to my American friends if that's insulting but I don't know how else to describe it. 

Lots of nice things to see, and the weather was perfect. A little overcast so the sun didn't burn us, and no rain.


For the past few days, I had ache in my calf and hamstring, not like a pulled muscle, but more like how it feels after a muscle cramp. Today when I stepped down off the ledge of the fountain, I must have slammed down on the ground a little too hard and a sharp pain when shooting up my leg. It was awful and I was limping on it for a good hour. It went away eventually, but I decided to get some Voltarin cream just in case - I should have bought some days earlier when it was just an "uncomfortable ache". Guess what? Turns out October 3 is a national holiday in Germany and all the pharmacies were closed. Unification Day. I had no idea.

As you know, I like to try and get pictures with no people in them to pull focus. In this case however, I should have left some in for scale - these are flood markers and they are boggling!

We had lunch at the Ratzkeller

After, we walked up to the fortress. It was a STEAP walk, especially on a full stomach! but it was rewarding.

I especially liked this image of the 3 rivers converging. The Inn, Danube and Ilz (top to bottom)

We stood at the tippy top of the peninsula down there by the trees where the Inn and Danube meet, Frank said he could see the different colours from there... I couldn't! 

After our hike, we stopped for refreshments. I have been seeing "Wild Berry Lillet" Spritz on menus everywhere so I decided to give it a try. Instant love!

We were not hungry enough for supper after this, so we decided we would take the train back to Regensburg in order to buy time and to build up our appetites. Since it was raining back there, we planned on the restaurant we spotted near the hotel that looked like it had some good options for our mood instead of digging out the umbrellas and walking to the old town. We got there around 6ish and they were closed! ARGH. So we just had a drink and snacks at the hotel bar.  A blah ending to the day, but it still was a good one.

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