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1 May 2015

London 2015 – Day 4

It was supposed to rain today, and it did – but thankfully only for a few hours in the morning so it didn’t ruin the day.

We started off by meeting our friends at the Prince of Wales Theatre Box Office to buy tickets for Book of Mormon for tonight.  I’ve been wanting to see it for years, but my husband was never keen on the idea.  When Mr Chicago mentioned he wanted to see it (unprompted by me) my husband reconsidered.


It was fun, good for a few laughs…  some people might find it a little shocking but overall I found it cheeky and it was an enjoyable evening out.

Once we bought the tickets, we parted ways for the day; they went off to the British Museum, and we went to the Hunterian Museum.  Unfortunately, no pictures allowed in there which is too bad because I found it fascinating. It’s really 2 museums in one: the history of surgery and a cabinet of curiosities.  Among other oddities, we saw the skeleton of a man who was 7’7” tall, a goat with an extra leg, what eggs look like inside a snake before it lays them, the skull of twins conjoined at the head…

After that it was off to Hyde Park for a walk. The rain had picked up again but not that bad, it was more drizzle than rain so it was still nice to be outside – we finally saw the Peter Pan statue that we didn’t get around to seeing in 2013 and we also passed by the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain, although we didn’t linger…  been there, done that.

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After the park, we wandered around Knightsbridge and went over to the Ecuadorian Embassy to see if Julian was around (Wikileaks)…  no sightings. 


We had lunch at one of the many restaurants in Harrod’s: Galvin Demoiselle overlooking the Food Halls – it was great!

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The rain stopped after lunch and we continued on our aimless wander. We wanted to go to the Ritz for a drink but we were turned away because we were not wearing formal shoes! ha! I think my jeans and his army pants that he wears in wet weather because they keep the rain out were part of the reason, yet the doorman was trying to be diplomatic.  We looked just as ‘sloppy’ in Paris and didn’t have any issues.

We swung by St James Palace to take a picture…  my husband was more impressed with the Rolls being delivered!


After that we wandered around town some more, meandered down Piccadilly and Regent Streets, basically just soaking London in as much as we could before reuniting with our friends around 5 to get a bite to eat before the show.


Another wonderfully full day!

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