Steps today: 22 012
My morning was a bit of a waste. I went to visit the Château de Fontainebleau and I was overall quite underwhelmed. Before getting on the train to Fontainebleau, I took a detour to go see the “La Danse de la Fontaine Emergente”. Imagine how cool it would look with the lights on and the water flowing!
Breakfast was great, there is something so selfishly satisfying about eating a slow breakfast while watching people go to work on Monday morning!
Frank and I visited the Château in 2012 but didn’t tour the inside, we just took a few pictures and when for a walk. I should have done the same this time.. or just skip it. I’ve seen it before so there was no Wow Factor, I got the audio guide but quickly got bored (I am over palace interiors and not that interested in Napoleon). I prefer royal gardens and outside views but even those left me flat. I don’t regret going because I always would have wondered, now I know.
I got back to Paris around 1PM and went to lunch at La Coupole. I think I had the same meal as my first meal here 14 ½ years ago… steak & fries. It was good but I am super-fussy about steak and I found that it was too fatty and sinewy. I’m sure most people would have finished every bite… I on the other hand was performing microsurgery! I grazed over the important parts and the bits I ate were delicious.
I made it to Brasserie Lipp for a drink – it was worth it! Very nice decor but my pictures didn’t really turn out that well.
I was tempted then to go check out the line-ups at the Louvre, I figured at 4 / 4:30PM they would be pretty short, but as much as I don’t want to wait to go in, I don’t want to be rushed before closing time either so since the last entry is at 5:15 I didn’t bother.
Instead, I went to the Shoah Memorial and it was outstanding! I had no idea how large it is!! I stayed for about an hour and I barely scratched the surface. I’ll most definitely be back on another trip, but I’ll plan a lot more time to delve in deeper. I highly recommend it.
These are all the files kept of on all the jews in France
I wan’t allowed to take pictures so I snuck this one in, the room was amazing. Wall to wall floor to ceiling pictures of the jews who were transported out of France:
Supper was a a great Brasserie meal near the hotel, I had a glass of wine and some foie gras. I finished the food first and so ordered some cheese to help finish the wine… then I ran out of wine so ordered a 2nd glass… then ran out of bread to absorb the extra wine so had to have some more of that. Was it heaven or hell? I still can’t decide. burp.
Have a look at the spectacular view and colourful sky I had on the way back to the hotel!
Here are some random shots of my day. Good night!
If you’ve read the book “Sarah’s Key” this might mean something to you:
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